Little League is 100% powered by volunteers – this season MSLL will see volunteers cover the following:
- President
- Vice-president
- Registrar
- Player agent
- Treasurer
- Umpire in chief
- Coaching director
- Past president
- Secretary
- Fields manager
- Equipment manager
- Safety officer
- Concession manager and ~6 concession support staff
- 6 division coordinators
- 1 photo day coordinator
- 1 website administrator + 1 social media manager
- 52 head coaches
- 52 team managers
- 100+ assistant coaches
- ~250 concession volunteers
- ~550 scorekeeping shifts
- ~400 pitch counting shifts
- ~400 field prep shifts
- ~50 volunteers on annual field prep day
- ~30 volunteers to run player assessments
- 15 Rally Caps mentors
Thank-you to everyone who donates whatever time they can! We couldn’t do it without you…