Mount Seymour Little League logo

Mount Seymour Little League


Mount Seymour Little League logo

League Boundary

To play in MSLL Little League you must either live or attend a school that is within our league boundary. (Out of boundary players may be accepted in some circumstances – subject to district administrator approval). The Mount Seymour league boundary is North Vancouver to the East of Lynn Creek as shown on the map below:

To confirm that you reside within our league boundary, please go to and enter your home or school address.

Field Locations

The Mount Seymour Little League home field is Myrtle Park located in Deep Cove. Games for the Rally Caps, Rookie Junior, Rookie Senior, Minors AA, Minors AAA and Majors are played at this park. MSLL also use Blueridge Park for some Minors games. Divisions above Majors play at other parks across the North Shore. The map below shows the North Vancouver park locations.